Photo From Members

Fatahatchee Strand Preserve - 1/21/2023 field trip

Cathi Page - Orchid - who can ID?

Fatahatchee Strand Preserve - 1/21/2023 field trip

Susan Wachter

Fatahatchee Strand Preserve - 1/21/2023 field trip

Susan Wachter - Mike Owen, park biologist the trip leader

Duette Preserve, 9/24/2022 field trip

Nancy West - butterfly milkweed, Asclepias tuberosa

Duette Preserve, 9/24/2022 field trip

Nancy West - Earth stars

Duette Preserve, 9/24/2022 field trip

Nancy West - Trametes sanguinea

Duette Preserve, 9/24/2022 field trip

Nancy West - Marbled Grasshopper

Duette Preserve, 9/24/2022 field trip

Nancy West - False Foxglove, Agalinis filifolia

Duette Preserve, 9/24/2022 field trip

Nancy West - Loblolly Bay, Godronia lasianthus

Duette Preserve, 9/24/2022 field trip

Nancy West - Sandhills Wireweed, Polygonum nesomii (aka Polygonella robusta)

Duette Preserve, 9/24/2022 field trip

Nancy West - Tall yellow-eyed grass, Xyris playlepis

Duette Preserve, 9/24/2022 field trip

Nancy West - Florida Rosemary, Ceratiola ericoides

Duette Preserve, 9/24/2022 field trip

Nancy West

Serenoa Day Plant Sale

Serenoa Day Plant Sale

WSLR+Fogartyville Grant Planting

Pam Callendar

WSLR+Fogartyville Grant Planting

Pam Callendar

WSLR+Fogartyville Grant Planting

Pam Callendar

Fran Palmeri Photographing Thistle

Nancy West

Field Trip to Manasota Scrub Preserve, Sarasota County

Nancy West

Exotic Plant Removal, Jelks Preserve, Sarasota County

Nancy West

Plant Sale

Karen Willey

Plant Sale

Fran Palmeri

Field Trip to Horton Ranch, Sarasota County, Iris in Bloom

Nancy West

Field Trip to Old Miakka Preserve, Sarasota County Park

Nancy West

The mission of the Florida Native Plant Society is to promote the preservation, conservation, and restoration of the native plants and native plant communities of Florida.