
Serenoa Chapter Grants

Grants up to $500 are available to assist with the planting of native plants at schools, neighborhoods, businesses, non-profits, etc.  Beginning in 2024, two grant cycles will occur each year to better allocate funds:

  • Spring Cycle: Proposals accepted January 1 - April 30 and awarded in June.
  • Fall Cycle: Proposals accepted May 1 - September 30 and awarded in November.

Online Grant Application Form (this is a google form, if you don't login to your google account or you don't have a google account, it will not save a partially completed form, please compile all necessary information prior to completing and submitting the form).  If you want a PDF version of the application, you can download here .  After you fill out the grant application in PDF, you can attach the completed PDF and email to us.  Or you can print and fill out the PDF and postal mail to PO Box 1224, Palmetto, FL 34220


Only groups, such as schools, neighborhood associations, homeowner associations, businesses, non-profit organizations, and government organizations located in Manatee, DeSoto, Sarasota, and Hardee Counties, are eligible.

Important Information

Applicants must use Florida native plants. We will not pay for non-natives. Applicants can use the grant to pay for the service of a native landscape designer or architect. Serenoa Chapter also requires that:

  • No plants in the design are on the FLEPPC list of exotic invasive plants
  • No cypress mulch is used
  • Fertilizer and pesticide application be minimal
  • Micro-irrigation systems be strongly considered

Types of projects eligible for funding:

  • Creating a community or public wildlife garden
  • Removing invasive species and replacing them with Florida native plants
  • Enhancing a clubhouse, business, or non-profit entryway with Florida native plants
  • Enhancing a public building or public space with Florida native plants
  • Planting native habitat around retention ponds
  • Adding native plants to preservation areas

Types of projects NOT eligible for funding:

  • Personal yards
  • Yards or gardens inside a guarded or gated community
  • Creation of a playground

Costs that may be applied to the grant:

  • Professional services – hourly with rate and work accomplished
  • Materials, Plants and Supplies – as necessary to carry out the work of the grant
  • Rental equipment – for the sole purpose of the grant work
  • Reference materials – if related to grant work, must be made available for public access

Costs that may NOT be applied:

  • Computer software or hardware
  • Contributions and donations
  • Entertainment, food, drink
  • Gifts, fines and penalties

Application Tips

The first Florida Friendly Landscaping Principle is “Right Plant Right Place.” To facilitate long term survival of native plant installations, grant proposals that include documentation of a site assessment may score higher. Elements usually include:

  • A sketch of proposed planting areas (highly recommended for all proposals). Existing features like buildings, culverts, ditches, roads, sidewalks, trees (to identify shady and sunny areas) can be traced on a computer with mapping software like Google Maps. Sketches need not be to scale, but please include a north arrow and nearby street names if applicable.

  • Soil conditions. This can be as simple as identifying loamy or sandy areas. Soil tests are strongly encouraged as some native plant species have specific pH requirements.

  • Light conditions. Solar angles throughout the year can be predicted using tools like

Site sketches and/or any other supporting documentation such as soil test results can be e-mailed to Please be sure to include the title of your project proposal in the subject line. Additional resources that may be helpful:

The mission of the Florida Native Plant Society is to promote the preservation, conservation, and restoration of the native plants and native plant communities of Florida.