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2017 April (Latin names and more, FNPS-Florida Wildlife Federation Conservation Organization, Celery Fields)
2016 December (Does your Garden Sing?, Crossopetalum ilicifolium, Nature Craft 101).
2016 March (A Butterfly Journey, Right Plant, Right Place?, Fall Color in Florida, Betsy Roberts, a Remembrance).
2016 January (Notes from the East Pasture, Beautyberry Jelly, Miracle Grow - Helianthus angustifolius),
2015 September (Manatee Co. Historic Courthouse Landscape Renovation, Bradenton Girl Scouts Plant a Butterfly Garden),
2015 March (Other face of fire, Prescribed fire and Florida habitats, Trial by fire).
2014 December (FNPS Fall Plant Sale Success, Species Spotlight--Florida goldenaster, Perico Preserve: Work in Progress, In Memoriam: Carol Ann Breyer).
2014 September (Carlton Reserve, Bad pruning practices II, Mimosa strigillosa, air potato).
2014 March (Rare plants of Serenoa territory, Bad pruning practices, Looking for pawpaw).
2006 - 2013
2013 December (Florida's Native Poinsettias, Helping Native Bees & Wasps by Creating Nest Sites, “The Joy of Scrub” according to Mark Deyrup).
2013 September (Lilium catesbaei, Pot rings, Burrowing owls, William Bartram, Prairie Shell Creek Preserve)
2013 May (Palafoxia integrifolia, Citharexylum spinosum, Butterfly Garden at Just for Girls, Gardening in small spaces, White-footed ant).
2013 February (Hickory Lake Scrub, Member Awards, Sri Lanka Weevil, SW Florida Pines)
2012 May (Clematis, Coreopsis, Myakka Wild and Scenic)
2012 March (Invasives-getting the word out, Spanish Point Field trip, Prunus angustifolia, P. umbellata, SWFMD Surplus Lands, pythons)
2011 December (heal the planet editorial, native stoppers, the sennas, invasive species poetry, growing elderberry-seminole pumpkin-and papaya, Local Hidden Treasures in Manatee County)
2011 September (John Beckner remembrance, CISMA, Bonamia grandiflora, tips for fall and winter garden, local treasures, laurel wilt)
2010 September (Landscape architect workshop, Mariposa Key planting, lawn obsession)
2009 September (Michel Kenton memorial, Symplocos tinctoria, severe palm pruning)
2009 February (Backyard Wildlife Habitat program, common names, lovegrass, Terra Ceia Preserve, new disease on Sabal palmetto)
2008 April (FNPS annual conference, Zamia)
2008 January (Callicarpa americana)
2007 September (Footseps of Ande Michaux, Serenoa members recognized, Vitis rotundifolia, Homescape tour)
2007 April (Ilex vomitoria, Africanized honey bees, year-long native planting guide, notes from the yard, spring happening)
2007 January January (Co-hosting FNPA Conference, Wax Myrtle, Firebush: native vs. non-native, Tim Cash Memorial, Selby Gardens Surveys Sarasota County, Florida Native Plants and Bats).
2006 September (Richard Louv on “Last Child in the Woods: Nature Deficit Disorder”, Pickly Ash)